Saturday, June 3, 2023

Chapter 2 – Infancy (Death whispered a lullaby – part II)

Warning: Foul Language. References to child abuse.

Opeth – Death Whispered a Lullaby

Out on the road there are fireflies circling
Deep in the woods, where the lost souls hide
Over the hill there are men returning
Trying to find some peace of mind

Sleep my child

Under the fog there are shadows moving
Don't be afraid, hold my hand
Into the dark there are eyelids closing
Buried alive in the shifting sands

Sleep my child

Speak to me now and the world will crumble
Open a door and the moon will fall
All of your life all your memories
Go to your dreams, forget it all

Sleep my child

After Aarons birth, Natalie had turned the clock around completely, staying awake at night sleeping in daytime and leaving her kids Isaac and Aaron upstairs lonely, hungry and smelly from unchanged diapers... sleeping heavily, not even the phone ringing did wake her up..

..and when she finally woke up, she was not at all happy, cursing at the young Aaron's bed for crying his little lungs out, when the poor baby had seen near total neglect by not being fed, loved, played with or having his diaper changed...

..before favoring Isaac, the older child.

It wasn't before the young Aaron was on the brink of starvation and near dying from loneliness she decided it was his turn to get some attention, just barely avoiding a visit from the social worker..

Children should not be allowed to have children of their own.

Of course, I'm being harsh with Natalie here.. she does take care of her children, but only after letting them suffer a bit first. Maybe it's the evil in her that does it....

And shortly after sunrise, its back to sleep again...

Later when she woke up, Natalie wanted to head out on the town, and decided to go to The Old Weavery, a former rabbit hole rug factory, now a dance club, but the place wasn't excactly crowded and the bartenders were clumsy.... so she ventured on to The 9th Cactus, the disco right across the road, and that seemed to be a much more popular place.

Perfect for a good night out. Never mind the kids, they will be safe at home with the babysitter! I want to party! Woohoo!

There are only two seasons in the old city of Lagash. The dry season and the wet season. And this rainy morning when Natalie was still in bed with a dry cotton mouth after last nights partying out on the town appropriately marked the beginning of the wet season.

Isaacs diaper is smelly and nothing has been cleaned around the house in a good while, but for some reason or other Natalie never grew out of playing with the doll house... is this a home fit to raise children?

Natalie was a little late in realizing there was a package in the mail... from some distant relative it told her... She wouldn't unpack it just yet, instead she decided to keep it to herself and hide it as best as she could... she contemplated getting rid of it, but didn't dare to go there...

And finally near the end of the rainy season, she decided it was time to clean up the kitchen, probably because she realized she had filled up nearly all the available bench space with dirty dishes...

"If I shove this bottle down your throat, maybe that will make you shut up!"

The babysitter (a local human teenager called Trym Hætta) would sometimes neglect the children as well in favor of watching sports on tv, but he wasn't really that bad. He did something the mother never did, which was to carry the young Aaron around. Natalie never once did that. Aaron spent most of his time as a baby lying in his crib, often feeling lonely and only being fed and having his diaper changed when absolutely necessary.

In favor of Natalie, it should be mentioned that after all she did make sure that Isaac both learned to talk, walk and did her best to get his potty training done in time, even though a lot of the time she had the appearance of contemplating something evil down the road.

The weekend when Aaron had his first birthday, she was invited over to a party at Bård Gulkishar-Amdals house. Party was alright and she stayed until it was over where she ended up making out with Bård in front of his partner, Josefine Hammurabi-Josdal, in their bedroom no less. Totally not appropriate. Coincidentally Bård is also her boss at work...

And look who is getting a scolding.

And then Natalie has the nerve to take a nap on their bed! She really is a good one, isn't she?

And helping herself to a late lunch the next afternoon, even. Don't choke on that...

"Urgh.. this dry cotton mouth..."

Making out with Bård again in the kitchen later that afternoon. Still no plans to go home and look after her children! And Aaron's birthday is tomorrow, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if she would miss that as well...

Well, so far the kids are in good hands. Borghild Rydland, another human babysitter is taking care of them, but as good as she is, she is not their mother...

"Oh, that was a good massage, Bård!"

...their mother is busy, perhaps, stealing someone elses partner and finding the kids a new step-father?

Saturday just turned into sunday, the day of Aaron's birthday, and she is still not home. And Josefine is nowhere to be found, I wonder where she went.

Well, speaking of the... there she is. Natalie was upstairs in the kitchen helping herself to a meal, when a dispute was heard in the hallway downstairs.

Josefine:Why is that whore still here? What are you doing!?

Bård: I'm sorry sweetie, I just wanted to know her star sign..

Josefine: Her star sign!? You have no idea how angry I am right now... you can burn in hell, you fucking asshole!

Bård: You have always been my sweet flower, you know that...

Josefine: Get out of here, Natalie! Bård is mine, go home to your kids!

Sunday morning, Aarons birthday, and Natalie is still over at Bårds house being intimate. She hasn't learned a thing!

But things took a turn when she after a while shows her inappropriate side, dishing out offenses.

After which the flirtatious advances from Bård are not well received. Then she tries to kiss him, but he rejects. Did you just destroy it for yourself now, Natalie?

Maybe so, because after this their interactions are no longer romantic. She proceeds to discuss politics with Bård, before taking a nap on his bed once more. She hasn't slept all that much over the weekend and her energy is getting low.

It's pretty bad she hasn't been home since Friday afternoon, leaving Borghild all alone to take care of her kids throughout the weekend.. and with Aaron soon about to age up.

Well, it appears Natalies rude behavior and the political discussion wasn't quite enough to kill off the romantic feelings, because here they are again, kissing each other in the bedroom.

Yeah, as would be expected by now, Natalie is completely missing out on Aaron's first birthday as she is still over at Bårds house napping in his bed by Sunday evening...

...only the babysitter is there with him. Well, until she leaves the room to take care of Isaac downstairs... This is the moment were Aaron was left on the floor to age up to a toddler, all alone in his room.

..and Natalie, having just finished her nap is still over at Bårds house, helping herself to a drink, no intention of going home to her kids! What a great mom..

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Chapter 3.4 – Into the trees

(PS: This is the heaviest song yet. It starts out with clean vocals, but there are a couple of sections in the song with death metal vocals....